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David Holub
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4551

Open Shutter brings distinct, surprising outlooks with two new photography shows

With two new shows and three photographers, Open Shutter brings distinct, surprising outlooks

When painting birds becomes an obsession

Diminutive and detailed works on display as part of First Thursday Art Walk

From concept to curtain at the Strater

In just six months, Strater Theatre produces original play for summer run

When the venue kills the show: How the Albuquerque Zoo ruined everything

Old men dozing in old-man lawn chairs. A gaggle of teen girls sitting in a circle big enough for duck-duck-goose, all on their phones, all giggling sporadically. Couples canoodling. Grade-sc...

The Weekender

Some top picks of what to do this weekend in Durango

Never too late to fall in love with Patsy Cline

Tribute show returns with new twists and turns

Skin in the game: Artist Shay Lopez displays his versatility in new show ‘Skinscapes’

Ever eclectic and experimental, artist Shay Lopez displays his versatility in new show ‘Skinscapes’

In search of Condor N8

Following an extraordinary area sighting of North America’s largest and one of the most endangered birds, the pursuit becomes irresistible